El Chico sin Cabello de Pan

The Boy Without Hair from Pan


The Boy Without Hair from Pan is a Colombian professional artist and demotivator, comic book creator, illustrator and almost animator. His work is focused on Latin American chaos and its relationship with pop culture. Mixed together to create provocative images full of sexuality and subliminals.

Since 2020, he has published the graphic column “Adentro, bien adentro” (Inside, Deep Inside) on the Vice website, where he expresses his experiences through a satirical style full of visual and narrative references. In May 2022, the artist opened his first solo exhibition entitled SAD (Sex, Love, and Drama) at the Gama facilities.


Exhibitions with GAMA

2022, SAD , Gama Crea Gallery, CDMX .

2022, Catdog Madness , Indie Rocks! Forum, CDMX.

2022, Reject , Pantheon , CDMX.

2022, Hell , Indie Rocks! Forum, CDMX.

2021, Cartoon Sadness Vol. 2, Gama Crea Gallery, CDMX