Devociones: Exvotos a la maldad
Devil's Week

Devotions: Votive offerings to evil

Previous exhibition

Much has been said about whether human beings are good or evil by nature. Some philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes claim that we are evil; and it is not difficult to believe when in Mexico approximately 85 murders are recorded per day. However, other thinkers have put on the table that beyond being a condition, good and evil is an existential human conflict.

As a society, we have implemented various control devices that play with the divisions and boundaries between good and evil: religion, laws, and even social norms. So today, any action that comes from our psychic impulses is likely to be observed and judged by these systems for survival and control.

Now, is there a way for humanity to free itself from these devices? A way to be evil without being judged as villains?

This is why this exhibition aims to show those actions that are between the limits of good and evil: innocent pranks where we are allowed to release the instinctive drive of evil that inherently exists in humans. And it is through the secularization of votive offerings that we propose to materialize the relationship that exists between us and evil. Understanding the votive offering as an offering of gratitude towards those mythological figures associated with the subversion of authority and the challenge to social norms.