PODRIDO : Siete formas de autodestrucción
Devil's Week

ROTTEN: Seven ways to self-destruct

Previous exhibition

In the first centuries of the existence and formation of Christianity, different theologians found in Plato's ideas a philosophical perspective that fit their beliefs and conceptions of the divine . These thinkers prioritized the intangible of the human being over the material, condemning naturally human actions that were directly related to the body; categorizing the virtues that pleased God and the vices that distance us from him, grouping them in a list of faults from which all the sinful actions that we could commit start.

Over time, Christianity went from being a sect of Judaism to the hegemonic religion in whose name conquests, crusades and invasions were made; which brought with it the imposition of its scheme of values ​​which was used to subdue the conquered, converting the precepts that were once spiritual guides into a punitive system of surveillance, punishment and repression, turning sin into one of the main elements with which we associate religion.

Despite being concepts that can be considered obsolete, this list of sins is still relevant in our post-capitalist society: In a society that rewards the accumulation of goods, hyperconsumption and excessive production, it seems that pride, greed, envy, anger, gluttony, lust and laziness are encouraged through the thousands of stimuli we receive every day. Reading beyond the imposition of these precepts, each of these transgressions provides us with a framework of behaviors that are harmful to human development. In this exhibition, images will be constructed that show the consequences that we experience today when we are governed by individuality, selfishness and greed, with the aim of making them evident and thus building a more just and equitable society, without the need for a system that, through guilt, leads its individuals to behave well.

Address: Comitan 10, Hippodrome, Cuauhtémoc, 06100, CDMX